Joining our Trust

Welcome from the Chair of the Board

Welcome to SAND Academies Trust!

As a young trust, we are focused in supporting schools to enable the best education and care possible, within the resources available.

As an organisation, we exist for the benefit of all our young people, no matter their background or circumstance. We have ensured that we have a stable financial position and a sustainable future.

We continue to invest wisely in the education of our children and young people, develop quality central services to support our schools to focus on the quality of education and also in our buildings and wider infrastructure.

Lastly, we are striving to support a culture that promotes our common purpose clearly and where the individual character and personality of our schools is maintained.

What are the benefits of joining our Trust?

Our Vision for 2027



We will deliver on our vision for 2027 through the delivery of three key priorities:

To be – 

  • the schools of choice
  • the employer of choice
  • and the trust of choice.

In order to achieve the vision, we will focus on three strategic objectives, which capture our strategy for 2022 to 2027. Each objective has associated targets and key indicators against which performance towards these targets will be measured.

If you share our enthusiasm and commitment to work together to make a positive difference to all our learners, staff and our communities, we would very much like to hear from you.

Our ambition for the Trust is one of sustainable growth whilst ensuring all our schools provide a supportive and inclusive environment that challenges and enables them, their staff and their pupils to be the best they can be.

Get in touch about joining our trust

Contact us